Helping you make sense of the worlds growing economic data
Stay on top of macroeconomic trends as they happen
Track leading economic indicators and economic news in near real-time. Take advantage of fast access to the most relevant macro performance indicators to track what’s going on in the most dynamic economic markets.
The worlds economic data brought to you in a single platform
Access a comprehensive range of economic data from over 200 global and national sources covering 200 countries. Stay in tune with market expectations with projections from IMF, OECD and World Bank. Complicated economic data is packaged into simple screens and visual dashboards making analysis quick and easy.
Simple tools to extract insights from information
Leverage a range of easy-to-use tools that enables you to work with large volumes of economic data with ease. Flexible grid and charting capabilities allow you to group and analyze economic time series revealing insightful market trends.
Speed up analysis with automation through excel
Easily embed macroeconomic factors into your forecasting and trading models and update it with a single click. An easy to use excel addin with simple syntax brings automation to your fingertips.
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