EquityRT to provide Wits University with innovative financial market research technology

EquityRT Analyst
| Apr 2, 2020

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EquityRT to provide Wits University with innovative financial market research technology

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EquityRT WitsAccess to the best relevant research tools is an essential part of any institution.

EquityRT, a new age innovative provider of financial markets and economic research data, has entered a long term relationship with the University of Witwatersrand, as an integral partner in their vision to be Africa’s leading research-intensive academic institution.

With 20 years of experience in financial markets, EquityRT has been challenging the financial market data industry across the globe, and has brought a future ready platform that is versatile and well suited for students about to enter the financial industry.

Says the Director of PDM at the Wits Business School, Dr Jones Mensah: “With EquityRT, it is now possible to incorporate industry-leading data, economic news and research and analytics into the teaching curriculum, as well as staff and student research. The platform is customisable to meet our Commerce, Law and Management (CLM) faculties’ teaching and research needs and this enhancement of the curriculum will properly position Wits University as a leading research-intensive university. ”

The frustration of waiting to do research on shared workstations in fixed locations is now a thing of the past, as the EquityRT platform allows students to work remotely and, in any location, allowing them to focus more time and effort on learning. Indeed, this was one of the aspects that attracted Wits to EquityRT at the outset.

“Unlike the other offerings, EquityRT provides a web-based platform, without the need for computer terminals which makes it easy for data to be accessed from any computer anywhere, as long as Wits staff or student library credentials are used. In addition, EquityRT has an appealing interface and user experience,” says Mensah.

So how does Wits see EquityRT benefiting the students?

“The world is quickly transitioning into a digital marketplace, and business and finance students must be properly positioned for this change. Gone are the days where theoretical knowledge alone lent an advantage when competing in the job market. The turn of events in the 21st century requires a mastery of both practical and technical skills.

Adds Mensah, “Business and finance students must be well-versed in analysing financial markets, macro-economic information and news that impact the global economy. For students, the EquityRT experience will give a competitive edge in a demanding job market and tools that can be relied upon throughout one’s career.”

Concludes Vijen Surjooram, Managing Director of EquityRT South Africa: “EquityRT sees this as the start of an exciting journey and we are delighted to be able bring this fresh innovation to Wits, that will not only assist in their ambition to be a leading research-intensive university, but also empower the future analysts entering the financial industry.”

Source: EquityRT MacroAnalytics

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