Real-Time and Delayed Stock Market Quotes

EquityRT Analyst
| Apr 18, 2019

Einstein states that time is the fourth dimension and without the variable of time, there is no way to know the exact state and location of an object in space. How this is relevant for market and stock analysis? It’s simple: if there is no knowledge of when specific data was created, then that data is useless. Although you may be informed that a specific stock’s price has peaked, that information no use without knowing when it will happen (or whether it already did).

This is why the timing of specific data related to stock activity is a crucial factor for financial experts and stock analysts in assessing the data and conducting analyses. Market analysts have to be aware of the actuality of their data. An analyst or an investor using a market analyses platform should be aware of the timeliness of their data before performing any analyses.

Real-Time Stock Quotes

Real-time stock quotes are the most up-to-date information about stocks. Why and where are they needed? Well, first of all, prices for some stocks in the market move up and down rapidly. There are scenarios, such as emerging markets, where the whole market is very volatile. In such markets, it’s not an uncommon situation for prices of even the most stable stocks to fluctuate in a matter of seconds. Therefore, real-time information is incredibly valuable for financial professionals who need to react fast and take an instantaneous action in the face of such fluctuations.

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However, such timely data comes with a price and platforms providing access to this data are generally quite expensive.  For anyone who needs data for medium and long-term market analyses, who seek data for long-term investments, or who actively trade in stocks (such as a broker or dealer), this will negatively affect their price-performance ratio.

Delayed Stock Quotes

Delayed stock quotes lag the real trading market. They’re useful for casual investors who are less time-sensitive or those seeking data on medium and long-term trends.

This kind of data is also effective in analysing the market, as well as stock trends and patterns. In particular, fund and asset managers can use delayed quotes combined with real-time market news to stay on top of the latest developments.

The value of information is related to its usefulness and its usefulness is dictated by your individual requirements. So it’s important to determine the timeliness of the data you will need before choosing a platform that can offer different types of stock quotes. Since the price-performance ratio is something a finance professional can’t ignore, awareness of various data available and choosing the right one is the right step towards a smart investment.

One of the leading platforms, EquityRT, provides additional tools for more accurate analyses through its detailed but easy-to-use interface. It includes features like extensive stock screening, peer analysis, macro data analysis, and a state-of-the-art Excel add-in module.

As of January 2019, EquityRT started to provide delayed stock market quotes from Johannesburg Stock Exchange, Borsa Istanbul and Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Disclaimer: The information in the publication is not an investment recommendation and it is not an investment or an offer or solicitation to purchase or sell any financial instrument. Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that this publication is not untrue or misleading when published, but EquityRT does not represent that it is accurate or complete. EquityRT does not accept any liability for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss arising from any use of this publication. Unless otherwise stated, any views, forecasts, or estimates are solely those of the author, as of the date of the publication and are subject to change without notice.

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