What is Pretax Profit?

This item shows the Pretax Profit value of the symbol for the selected quarter. Pretax Profit is calculated from the income statement of the financial report.

Pretax Profit (Quarterly)

This item shows Pretax Profit (Quarterly) value of the symbol for the selected quarter.


Pretax Profit (Quarterly) = Parent Shares (Quarterly) – Taxation on Continuing Operations (Quarterly)

Pretax Profit (TTM)

This item shows the trailing Pretax Profit value of the preceding four periods. It removes the seasonal sales effects and gives the opportunity to make efficient comparison analysis.


Pretax Profit (TTM) is the ratio of the summation of Parent Shares values of the selected quarter and the previous 3 quarters with the summation of Continuing Activities Tax Income values of the selected quarter and the previous 3 quarters.