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How to Invest in Stocks

How to Invest in Stocks

Basic Principles When making an investment plan, we expect our savings to deliver a satisfactory yield without losing their purchasing power. Stock investment is no different. We must ensure a positive real return above inflation when we choose to buy a stock. An...

Financial Independence: Take that step now

Financial Independence: Take that step now

Being financially independent sounds great, however many people have not yet figured out how to attain it. In simple terms, financial independence is about reaching a point where you can live your life the way you want to without having to work or to be dependent on...

Global Food Prices at All-Time-Highs

Global Food Prices at All-Time-Highs

Global food prices have surged to unprecedented highs in March 2022 according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The food price index reached 159.3 points, climbing 13 % higher m/m and 60% higher compared to the 2014-2016 base period. The global...

A Global Headache: Inflationary Pressures

A Global Headache: Inflationary Pressures

The inflation shock has surged worldwide in recent months, as annual inflation rates across advanced economies reached their highest levels for years or even decades. The United States stands out among the major advanced economies with a larger increase in consumer...

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