Stock Screener
How to pick stocks?
Before picking a stock, you need to decide in which type of companies you want to invest and also the strategies best for your investment targets in a specific time period. EquityRT Stock Screener is built to help you easily identify the stocks that fit into your investment strategy. The number of metrics you can scan & filter on is truly huge. Any idea you have based on fundamentals will be covered.

Best Stock Screener Tool
Ease of use, depth of analysis, and breadth of coverage are combined to give analysts and investors everything they need.
- You can define several filters consisting of unlimited number of criteria including key Financial Ratios, Analyst Estimates, Valuation Multiples, Dividend, Profitability and Performance.
- Peer comparison metrics are invaluable in helping you figure out whether you’ve truly uncovered a little-known opportunity.
- The ability to run filters on a peer, sector or region-basis.
- Export results to a spreadsheet with one click.
- The ability to save screeners for further analyses and share them with your teammates.
Accelerate Stock Screening with Smart Screeners
You can pick stocks on a multitude of selection criteria that is most relevant to you. Or you can use predefined Smart Screeners to help you find the types of companies that meet your criteria.
- Dividend Champions
- Profit Growth Stocks
- Net Sales Growth Stocks
- 52 Week Highs
- 52 Week Lows