Capital markets always operate in a competitive environment due to their fast and constantly changing nature. Similar to how runners participate in separate categories for long and short marathons, the situation is not very different for company stocks. Some stocks...
Adnan Murathan Oz
How Stock Screener Simplifies Your Choices
One big challenge in financial analysis is gathering the right data from many sources and using it to figure out how much a company's stock is worth. There are different ways to do this, but the main goal is to see if a company's finances are getting better or worse....
Exploring the Stock Market: Financing, Economic Impact and Risks
When we think of the stock market, we often conjure images of bustling stock exchange floors, suit-clad individuals making phone calls, and flashing financial indicator panels. However, the stock market encompasses more than just these elements. This article delves...
Is U.S. unemployment a real threat?
A future threat emerged with the FED's rate hike series; unemployment! In an economy where interest rates are rising, we can see many economists and investors expecting unemployment to rise. So, are they right? The fundamental idea is that any increase in the interest...